Tips to Stay Safe and Limit Waste

By Mahlea Rasmussen, Education Coordinator
Inspired by Bea Johnson's Zero Waste Home

We are in uncertain times and some of you may be second-guessing some of your zero waste practices and replacing them with safety measures for you and your family. I was proud not to have chemical cleaners in my home and never used plastic gloves - but now those products are being suggested for staying clean and safe. Here are some tips to keep your home safe while working towards more sustainability.

Switch to on-line banking and billing as common practice

Most companies have switched to online methods for billing and banking. Take advantage of these services to limit your contact with outside materials that could be contaminated.
Zero Waste Home, p. 176

You can also go to the following websites to stop some mail from cluttering up your mailbox and limit your contact with outside materials entering your home:
Stop direct mail
Stop credit card and insurance offers
Zero Waste Home, p. 173

Turn off the TV and digital media

In these times of isolation and quarantine, it is easy to turn on the TV and turn off life. Make sure you are taking time away from electronic distractions. Save a little energy and get creative. Take this chance to connect with your family or partner you find yourself quarantined with. A game night, hike or making dinner together are all activities that do not require a screen.
Zero Waste Home, p. 185

Repair it

For the time being, a lot of stores are closed and it is important to limit one's trips out of the home. This takes away the option of simply throwing a needed item away and replacing it. This is a good opportunity to see if you can fix it! If you don't know how to fix the item, there are tons of how-to videos on YouTube and for electronics.
Zero Waste Home, p. 23

Learn how to make it

Due to recent food shortages, and with all of us trying to limit our trips to the grocery store, it may be a more economical option to buy ingredients to make things, like bread. Here are a couple of links for homemade bread from my favorite bloggers, along with a recipe for flour tortillas from Zero Waste Home (p. 71).
Sourdough Tips for the Occasional User
No Knead Artisan Bread

Flour Tortillas

4 cups flour
1 1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 cup cold butter
1 cup warm water


  1. Combine dry ingredients in a large bowl.
  2. Incorporate the butter into the mixture and mix with your fingertips until it resembles coarse crumbles.
  3. Add the water and combine until soft dough forms.
  4. Separate into 12 small balls.
  5. Roll out each ball as thinly as possible and cook in a pan over medium heat for 20 seconds on each side.

Preserve It

To help make your trip to the grocery store a little more worthwhile and avoid waste, there are a few things you can do to preserve your perishables.

Dry it - if you are lucky enough to own a dehydrator this is the time to bust it out. Use it to make things like dried fruit, kale chips or jerky. You can also use your oven at a low setting. Check out to learn how, and for other great ideas.

Freeze it - Along with soups, broth and berries did you know you could freeze avocado and eggs? has a list of 15 uncommon and surprising things you can freeze for later.

Refrigerator pickles - if canning intimidates you, try making small batches of pickles. You can also use this method of preserving for other vegetables. I like carrots, jalapeños, and cauliflower. Here is a simple recipe from to get you started.


1 pound Kirby or other small cucumbers
1 small sweet yellow onion
1 cup apple cider vinegar
1 cup water
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1 tablespoon kosher salt
1 1/2 teaspoons pickling spice, homemade or store-bought
  1. Wash and dry the jars and cucumbers: Wash 2 wide-mouth pint jars and their lids in hot, soapy water. Set them aside to dry.
  2. Rinse the cucumbers well under cold water, pat them dry, and then set them on a towel to dry completely.
  3. Slice the cucumbers and onion, then pack them in the jars: With a sharp knife or a mandoline slicer, slice the cucumbers and onion into slices 1/8- to 1/4-inch thick.
  4. Firmly pack the cucumbers and onions into the jars, fitting in as many as you can without smashing the vegetables. Leave 1/2-inch or so of headspace at the top of the jars.
  5. Make the brine: In a small saucepan over medium-high heat, bring the vinegar, water, sugar, salt, and pickling spice up to a simmer. Stir occasionally and continue simmering until the sugar and salt are dissolved.
  6. Pour the brine over the vegetables: If you have a canning funnel, use it here to make it easier to fill the jars. Carefully pour or ladle the hot brine into each jar, filling the jars until the cucumbers and onions are covered. It's ok if a few small pieces poke out the top.
  7. Cool and refrigerate for 24 hours: Screw on the lids, then let the jars cool to room temperature (about an hour). The cucumbers will start bright green but will become darker and more "pickle-colored" as they cool.
  8. Place them in the refrigerator. Wait at least 24 hours before eating the pickles to let the flavors develop. Use them within one month.


I hope this inspires you to continue on your sustainable journey and helps keep you and yours safe.

More Co-op News

Planning for Summer... and Smoke

By Emile Amarotico, General Manager

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The Co-op's "Secret Garden"

Did you know the Co-op employees have a small garden on our campus? Planning and management falls on our fantastic Co-op volunteer: Henry Herting.

Below, Henry shares some background on the garden, what it’s used for, and some additional tales from over the years.

Originally, the need for a kitchen garden arose from having a kitchen classroom in which culinary classes were being held. Visiting chefs have always been invited to use the garden for any ingredients they may have forgotten or items they could use as garnish for their dishes.


Tips for a Sustainable Kitchen

By Mahlea Rasmussen, Education Coordinator

Outside of work I spend a lot of time in the kitchen. I find it a soothing space to create nourishing meals and lasting memories. I find it essential to be as eco-friendly as possible and a few changes can transform your kitchen into a sustainable center of your home.

Earth Day Bulk Sale! April 17-21

Save money while working towards a more sustainable shopping experience! The Co-op bulk department is a great "first stop" for your grocery lists - everything from hummus mix to local honey to pet food is available. Plus there's less waste, all the way from shipping to ended up in your shopping cart. 

Check out a quick tour below:

Film festival giveaway

Enter your name and email below to be entered to win two film vouchers for the 2019 Ashland Independent Film Festival.

No purchase necessary. Giveaway is not endorsed or sponsored by AIFF. US residents only. Entry will be closed at 5pm PT on Monday, April 15.

The state of plastics

Many Co-op owners and shoppers have shared their interest in reducing plastic usage in the store. From bioplastics, to compostable plastics to recycling options, the Ashland Food Co-op continues to research what works best as we move towards our goal of being a zero waste store. Here is where we stand.

Food waste at the Co-op

By Rianna Koppel, Sustainability Coordinator

How many times in the past month have you reached back in the fridge to snack on some fresh strawberries only to discover… mold?! In the United States, 40% of food is wasted every year. Luckily, how we address food waste can have a major impact. According to Paul Hawkin’s Drawdown, reducing food waste is #3 on the list of best ways to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. At the Co-op, we use the EPA’s Food Recovery Hierarchy as a guide to bettering our own practices.

Wellness Secret Weapons

There are still plenty of colds and viruses making their rounds, and we want to help you better defend against them!

In January, we asked on social media what kind of secret weapons you use in the winter to stay healthy. We had a lot of responses, so we'll start with the All-Stars.

With your initial recommendations, our Wellness team reviewed the suggestions and picked the products with the highest quality standards and best feedback. Check those out below.


Mushrooms for wellness

You may have heard about the fascinating discovery that trees can communicate with each other. What’s the secret? The mycelia - tiny strands of fungus - in the soil form a vast underground network through which trees send chemical signals to their neighbors.

The mycelia differs from the fruiting body of the mushroom, which is the reproductive component that contains spores and is thought to be higher in Beta Glucans.

What to do with all this citrus?!

So you grabbed a few too many extra oranges and grapefruits and lemons (and some finger limes, and some satsumas…), and rather than watch them go bad, we want to provide you with some ideas on how to reduce waste. You’ll also get to enjoy citrus in a lot of new ways!

There are many guides and recipes across the internet (like this one by our friends at Grow Forage Cook Ferment), so here are a few ideas to get your creative and citrus juices flowing.

Update from the General Manager: "Food for Paradise" campaign

Ashland Food Co-op's General Manager, Emile Amarotico, ends 2018 on a very uplifting note with a report back on the "Food for Paradise" donation campaign. Watch the video below, or read on for an extended written update.

Hello, this is Emile Amarotico, the general manager of Ashland Food Co-op with an update on the Co-op’s Food for Paradise initiative.