Report from the General Manager

By Emile Amarotico, General Manager

By now you should have received your annual Patronage Dividend check in the mail. Despite a downtick in gross sales last year, your patronage contributed to a Co-op profit again. The total patronage dividend represents approximately 1.8% of the more than $22 million in sales to owners, amounting to over $400,000. The Board of Directors has elected to distribute 40% of this dividend to owners by check and to retain the remaining 60% for future needs. The amount of dividend checks represents approximately 0.7% of owner purchases for the year 2017.

At about this time each year I hear from owners who are concerned with why the Board does not distribute 100% of the dividend. The short answer is that it is a prudent and best practice for most organizations, whether for profit or not, to retain a portion of profits for “a rainy day” and/or for future development.  

We've done some research among peer food co-ops in the Western US, and learned that the vast majority do not give patronage dividends at all, either because they do not have profits or are not incorporated as true cooperatives per state or IRS statutes.

Of those co-ops that do provide patronage refunds, most choose only to distribute the 20% IRS required minimum. Ashland Food Co-op on the other hand has consistently returned 40 - 50% of dividends to owners each year. In addition to the 0.7% of owner purchases distributed, owners received an additional 1.7% in coupons and discounts on their purchases during the year.

By the way, we are excited to announce that this will be the last dividend distribution by check. Starting in 2019 dividends will be available as credit at the register. They may be applied towards purchases, and may even cashed out in most instances. Please confirm that your email address is current to receive updates regarding this and other developments.

As always, I welcome your questions at: [email protected]

More Co-op News

Celebrate Ashland Food Co-op's 50th Anniversary

Ashland Food Co-op has been a staple in our community for 50 years and invites you to celebrate this anniversary with them on June 3rd, 2022 from 5:00 PM-8:00 PM, at the AFC employee parking lot for dancing, food, face painting and more!

Music by Eight Dollar Mountain and Wild and Blue.

Siano's Karibbean Cookhouse, Walkabout Brewing Co. and Rogue Kombucha will be joining us with delicious food and beverages available for purchase.

Open House Hiring Event

The Ashland Food Co-op is excited to provide employees with a fun, professional workplace with potential for growth and advancement. We see every day as an opportunity to better our community, our planet, and ourselves! Eligible employees will receive a 15% employee discount on all store purchases, affordable healthcare, 3.5 weeks of paid time off in your first year for vacation and sick days, matching 401K plan after 1 year, productivity and profit sharing bonus opportunities, free organic produce every day... and so much more!

Standing with Democracy

Our Community Food Co-op has joined, along with other co-ops across the nation, to donate to a Disaster Recovery Fund organized by National Co+op Grocers (NCG) Cooperation, Cooperative Development Foundation (CDF) and National Co-op Business Association of the United States (NCBA CLUSA) to Co-op Ukraine to support cooperatives impacted by the war in Ukraine.