September Change for Good Partner: Friends of Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument

At Ashland Food Co-op, our commitment to community and sustainability is at the heart of everything we do. This September, we’re proud to shine a spotlight on our Change for Good partner, Friends of Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument (Friends of CSNM). This dedicated organization works tirelessly to protect, restore, and conserve the natural beauty of the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument through service, advocacy, and education.

Stewardship in Action: Restoring Riparian Areas

One of the key initiatives Friends of CSNM has been involved in is the restoration of riparian areas within the Monument. By using low-tech, process-based restoration techniques, the Friends are contributing to the re-establishment of beaver populations—an essential step in maintaining healthy ecosystems. On June 1, 2024, Friends of CSNM hosted its first-ever Beaver Scavenger Hunt, an innovative event where fifty volunteers scoured creeks and streams throughout the Monument in search of beaver signs. The data collected during this event will play a crucial role in guiding future restoration efforts. Learn more about this project here.

Education and Engagement: Hike & Learn

Friends of CSNM is also dedicated to fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of the Monument through education. This fall, they’re offering two exciting Hike & Learn events in collaboration with local non-profits. Whether you’re a seasoned birder or someone looking to deepen your connection to the natural world, these events are a fantastic way to engage with the Monument:

  • Birding in the Monument in partnership with Klamath Bird Observatory.
  • Thinking Like an Ecosystem for Bottom-Up Change with The Understory Initiative.

These hikes offer a unique opportunity to learn from experts while exploring the stunning landscapes of the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument. For more information and to sign up, visit the Friends of CSNM website.

Support Friends of Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument

Throughout September, every time you shop at Ashland Food Co-op, you can support the vital work of Friends of Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument through our Change for Good program. Your contributions will help fund their ongoing efforts to protect this unique and valuable ecosystem.

Join us in celebrating and supporting Frikends of CSNM this month. Together, we can make a difference for our local environment and ensure that the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument remains a treasure for generations to come.

Stop by the Co-op and get to know more about Friends of CSNM in person on Wednesday, September 4th from 10:00am - 2:00pm and Wednesday, September 18th from 10:00am - 2:00pm.

Learn more about Friends of Cascase-Siskiyou National Monument online!




More Co-op News

A Visit with Rolling Hills

Visit Rolling Hills Farm and learn more about owner Dave Belzberg, who the Ashland Food Co-op is so honored to partner with for more than thirty five years.

A Visit with Magnolia Farms




Visit Magnolia Farms and learn more about owner Elissa Thau, who the Ashland Food Co-op is so honored to partner with for more than twenty years.

A Visit with Emerald Hills

Visit the Emerald Hills Ranch and learn more about this fourth generation ranching family that the Ashland Food Co-op is so proud to partner with for more than twenty years.

A Conversation with Katie Falkenberg, Photographer and Filmmaker

Katie Falkenberg's photography and filmmaking has taken her all over the world, and lucky for us - she's been calling the Rogue Valley home for a couple years now. Exquisitely and harmoniously capturing the world around her, she is documenting not only through the lens but also through her peaceful and loving spirit. Katie reached out to us in hopes of collaborating after falling in love with the co-op soon after moving here.

January Change for Good Recipient: Rogue Valley Mentoring

Since 2005, Rogue Valley Mentoring (formerly the Rose Circle Mentoring Network) has trained over 500 adults who have mentored over 2,000 youth in our valley; letting young people know that they are not alone. A caring and compassionate ear shows them that they matter, and they they are experts of their own experience.

Rogue Valley Mentoring Circle

Shopping Safely & Efficiently


As coronavirus cases increase in Jackson County, the Co-op is taking extra precautions to protect shoppers and employees. 

To ensure social distancing in the store, the number of persons allowed in the store at once has been reduced to 50% capacity. Understandably, this may lead to a short wait outside of the store, but please be assured the line moves quickly.

In order to keep the wait as short as possible, here are a few steps you can take to help out:

10 Ways to Shine Your Light in Dark Times

By Allan Weisbard L.C.S.W.


Since 1963, autumn has been a difficult time for me. Two months shy of my 13th birthday I lost my younger brother to cancer, then shortly afterwards, President Kennedy was assassinated.

Masks Required for All In-Store Shoppers

To protect the health of Co-op staff and shoppers, all shoppers and other visitors on Ashland Food Co-op property must wear face coverings over mouth and nose except when dining in an approved area. As of November 11, 2020, face shields will not be permitted unless worn with a mask. 

From the Board: Co-ops Look in the Mirror

By Annie Hoy, Board Secretary and Chair of Owner Engagement Committee

Food Co-ops around the nation proudly display signage saying EVERYONE WELCOME. Or they use the slogan, “Anyone can shop. Anyone can join.” But are food co-ops, and other cooperative businesses, walking the walk? 

November/December GM Update: Overcoming Challenges

It’s probably already cliche to say “it’s been one heck of a year.” There have been challenges a-plenty for all of us, whether we’re working or shopping at the Co-op - but I’m so proud of how all of us have persevered.