April Change for Good Partner: Options for Helping Residents of Ashland


April's Change for Good Partner is


Change for Good Options for Helping Residents of Ashland


local nonprofit Options for Helping Residents of Ashland

By helping people move from crisis to stability, OHRA builds more capable individuals, stronger families, and a better community.

OHRA is the only permanent resource in Ashland offering comprehensive services for unhoused and economically challenged people.

Change for Good Options for Helping Residents of Ashland

OHRA has three main programs: the Resource Center, the Shelter, and the Laundry/Shower Trailer.  

Through the Resource Center, OHRA helps people find a place to live or remain in their homes, avoid eviction, obtain jobs, and access all kinds of essential services. They also serve as the only primary mail home in Ashland for people who are unhoused. The new OHRA Shelter in the former Super-8 motel has room for up to 70 people, once renovations are complete, to find respite in private rooms as they work to stabilize their lives. Since April 2021, while construction is underway, they have operated at partial capacity and sheltered 163 people. The Laundry/Shower Trailer is the only place in Ashland where unhoused people can access basic hygiene services.
OHRA stayed open continuously during the pandemic and, after evacuating on September 8, reopened the next day to serve people devastated by the Almeda Fire. When people have nowhere else to turn to, OHRA is there as a lifeline for the people in our community who need us most.

While there certainly is a focus on their unhoused guests, they are also the only resource in town who helps people who are on the verge of homelessness stay housed and avoid eviction. OHRA has the only walk in resource center in Jackson County.

We pride ourselves on having a diverse staff, board of directors, and advisory council. At every level of OHRA leadership people of color, LGBTQ+, indigenous people, and people with lived experience of poverty and homelessness are represented. We are also proud to be part of a network of community partners serving our area seeking to improve the lives of those we serve. 

Change for Good Options for Helping Residents of Ashland

The OHRA Center Renovation

In 2021, OHRA (Options for Helping Residents of Ashland) received the first Project Turnkey grant from the State of Oregon and Oregon Community Foundation for $4.2 million. That grant was just enough to purchase a former motel in south Ashland, and partially fund the construction of an ADA accessible elevator. Fully utilizing such a key asset, now called The OHRA Center, brought additional organizational costs ranging from increased staff to remodeling expenses. While these were anticipated expenses, they are proof that “to whom much is given, much is required.” The responsibility for wisely managing and maintaining this new community asset is one OHRA takes very seriously.

Recruiting and paying staff for The OHRA Center’s shelter was an early challenge. The shelter operates 12 months a year, 24 hours a day; in the past OHRA ran a five-month, 12-hour-a-day shelter. OHRA also needed to increase the number of navigators to ensure they are available to our walk-in Resource Center guests as well as the Center’s residents. The increase to staffing, which is critical to the successful operation of our programs, significantly impacted OHRA’s budget. In addition, OHRA must now cover the costs of running a building, including utilities, insurance, laundry, and maintenance.

The remodeling work (as shown below) has also begun.  We are fortunate to have partnered with Golden Fields Construction & Design and Arkitek to ensure The OHRA Center is safe, accessible, efficient and a good fit for OHRA’s programs.


Fill in the indoor pool to create usable space


Install fire sprinklers


Install ADA accessible elevator


Build out office space for navigators


Build out office space for our partners


Add limited number of ADA accessible bathrooms to some shelter rooms


Build out offices for administrative staff



“This is a lot of work, but it is work we are delighted to do because of the huge benefits it brings to our guests and our community. With a dedicated and talented staff and a solid track record of helping those in need, we succeeded in securing this Project Turnkey grant through the Oregon Community Foundation,” says Cass Sinclair, OHRA executive director. “Our gratitude to all who made this possible knows no bounds. Stay tuned, there is more work to do, and we will continue to need community support to maximize the benefits of this wonderful asset.”

Since the OHRA Shelter opened at partial capacity on April 1st 2021, we have sheltered 162 guests.

Change for Good Options for Helping Residents of Ashland


Guest Stories 

content warning: mention of intention of self harm and suicide


“My Coach, My Teammate, My Umpire”

OHRA meticulously tracks and counts the services it provides.  But sometimes it is hard to quantify what may be the most vital service – being a companion on a guest’s road to recovery.

Susan (not her real name) is a guest whose story and note of appreciation to OHRA stressed the value of having someone to lean on when you hit a rough patch.

Susan originally came to OHRA nearly two years ago.  She had been working with an OHRA partner, St. Vincent de Paul, on the problem of stable housing, but then Susan’s car broke down and she lost both transportation and a potential (although not ideal) shelter.  Lead Navigator Tina Stevens worked with Susan and, with other OHRA partners, raised money for car repairs.  However, that did not end the problem of her unsafe housing (couch surfing and even sheltering in a former shop).  Eventually, Susan moved into the OHRA Center as a stop gap.  Tina worked with her to get a HUD and then the housing authority found a landlord who would take the voucher.  Here is part of Susan’s note to OHRA, United Way and St. Vincent de Paul.

“This has been a very long journey. But I wasn’t alone on my path. I had you, Tina.  You had my back through every single step.  I don’t know what I would have done without you rooting me on, being my coach, my teammate and my umpire.”

Susan talked about moving out of her OHRA Center room for its next guest.  “This was a wonderful place to be.  You are all amazing people.”

Voz’s Story

“2008 was the perfect storm. My photography business had been going strong for years, generating more money than I ever imagined. My problems started with the recession which hit the advertising business hard. In addition to the hits on my career, my health was poor and declining.

Flash forward to 2016. I had lost everything - all my savings, my girlfriend of five years, my home and career. I bounced around to Mexico and finally a friend’s couch in California. In the pits of despair, I finally decided to call it quits and end my life. I looked into getting a gun. I still had my Oregon license and could get one if I just crossed the state line. I looked on the map for the first town over the border in Oregon and took a Greyhound up to Ashland. On the way into town, with the warm setting sun washing over the quaint Victorian homes and cute “downtown” I decided to postpone ending my life.

That night I had to sleep on the street for the first time. I don’t recall how I found out about OHRA, but I had the magnificent good fortune of my first time there meeting with lead resource navigator Tina. Her bright smile and welcoming energy were so comforting. She dove right in with addressing my immediate and long-term needs.

Over the past three years OHRA has either facilitated or outright made possible the following for me: Putting together a resume, housing assistance, food assistance, disability, unemployment, collecting stimulus money, filing taxes, and the list goes on. Without resource navigation, none of that would have been possible. 

Today, I am happy to say, I have recently moved into a quaint cottage in central Ashland, I’ve become an active member of the local Unitarian Universalist church and have built a new life for myself here.”

A couple's story: Rapid rehousing stops crisis from snowballing

John and Judy's situation was bleak-- they were living in a motel for two months after losing their jobs and home. Room costs were eating up their savings. John’s chronic disability made sleeping in the car impossible. OHRA’s navigator quickly recognized the couple qualified for COVID Rapid Relief Rehousing funds. OHRA’s navigator found them an apartment just nine days after meeting them. 

When OHRA’s navigator told them “I can get you housed right now,” Judy fell to her knees and cried. Since then, John has secured disability benefits. Judy continues to look for work, but in her words “a world of worry has been lifted.”

A family's story: Hope when everything was lost

A family of agricultural workers came into the Resource Center because COVID had taken their jobs, and the Almeda fire had taken their home. OHRA’s navigator immediately contacted a community partner that found a rental for the family. OHRA connected the family with resources for a deposit and several months’ rent. In a follow-up visit OHRA was also able to secure utility assistance while they got on their feet.

The parents are now employed and deeply grateful for the help during an unthinkable crisis. With his parents stable, the oldest son was able to stay in school and graduate from college.



Options for Helping Residents of Ashland was voted on by our owners in our 2021 election to be a Change for Good Partner.

Through the cumulative register round up donations over the course of this month ~ our shoppers will help support this local nonprofit organization and the work that they are doing in our community.

Change for Good


More Co-op News

Nourish Your Family and Fight Hunger

The holiday season is upon us. Amidst the shopping frenzies, family gatherings, and parties it can be hard to remember this is also a season of giving. That’s why we want to make it easy for you to give back. So easy that it’s as simple as doing your everyday grocery shopping. You can nourish your own family and help fight hunger in the Rogue Valley.

For the month of November, we are once again teaming up with Smart Chicken® for the Smart Chicken® Smart Giving program.

Here’s how it works.

5 Reasons to Love Co-ops

By Laura Pfister, Media Coordinator

October is National Co-op Month, so what’s the big deal? Being a co-op is special. Yes, we know we are biased, but being a cooperative enterprise means we do business differently. We don’t have a single owner living on their private island drinking margaritas all day without a care in the world. We are owned and governed by you, our 10,000 members. We share the burden in hard times and share the benefits in the good times. We put people, the planet and our principles before profit.

From the General Manager's Desk

By Emile Armarotico

This spring, National Co-op Grocers recognized Ashland Food Co-op as a Co+efficient Sustainability Star for our excellent sustainability efforts.

Our Sustainability Vision aims at being carbon neutral by 2030. We’ve taken a great stride toward this by installing a 39 kilowatt solar electric system on our rooftop with the capacity to generate approximately 7% of our electricity usage. The cost was partially offset by a $27,000 REAP (Rural Energy for America Program) Grant.

Local Starts at the Co-op

When we say local, we mean local. We source our local goods from within 200 miles of the store. By purchasing goods from local producers, we aim to create and maintain a healthy local economy and support family farms. What could be better than helping your community by buying local goods?

With all the local products that we offer, it’s hard to pick a favorite. But that’s exactly what we asked our staff to do. Here are some of their go-to local eats.

Your Fruit. Your Cider.

How often can you browse the shelf at your neighborhood grocery store, see a bottle of hand crafted, local cider and say, “Hey, I help make that!” Well, at the Co-op you can.

Millions of Peaches, Peaches for Me

By Laura Pfister, Media Coordinator

Many of us wait all year for this moment. We spend the winter months dreaming of a certain fuzzy stone fruit, its sweet juices dripping from our face and the buttery golden pie crust those yellow-orange slices will inhabit.

Good news! The wait is over. That local, sweet orb of sunshine has finally arrived. That’s right. Rolling Hills peaches are here!

2017 Board Election Results

The Ashland Food Co-op Board of Directors is pleased to announce the results of the 2017 Board Election. There were five excellent candidates running for three Board positions. In total, 733 votes were cast, representing 9% of owners. 
Congratulations to the following candidates who will serve three-year terms on the Ashland Food Co-op Board of Directors.

We're Sustainability Stars!

Deep in our hearts we've always known we were sustainability stars, but now we have an award to prove it.

We recently received a Co+efficient Sustainability Star award from National Co-op Grocers (NCG) recognizing our positive environmental and community impacts.

Co+efficient, NCG’s sustainability program, measures social, environmental and local economic impacts from participating food co-ops across the country.

Give Where You Live

It’s the most wonderful time of year! Yes, we know that phrase is generally reserved for the holiday season. But for us, this truly is the most wonderful time of the year. It’s OUR season of giving.

Dine In and Bike Your Way to Savings

Did you know that approximately half of our landfill waste stream is composed of Deli trash? A significant part of that is “to-go” containers, which are sometimes used for dining in and don’t end up “going” very far at all.

Sustainability matters in everyday actions and we want you, our customers, to help us reduce unnecessary waste and make the most ecologically sound choices possible.

Participate in YOUR Co-op!

Meet Your Candidates
The Co-op Board is pleased to announce that we have 5 candidates for 3 open seats in the 2017 Board Election!
Join us for a social "

Spring Picks

The sun is (mostly) out and the weather is finally getting warmer. That must mean summer is right around the corner, right? We sure hope so. We’re ready to grill, soak up some sun and enjoy the many fruits and vegetables that are in season. Our Floral Coordinator, Rachel Chastain, shares some of her favorites.

Be the Sustainable Change

By Laura Pfister, Media Coordinator

Sustainability is not a new concept at the Co-op. It has always been part of our DNA. We’ve been using sustainable business practices before it was the “cool”, “responsible” thing to do. In fact, the Co-op was founded 45 years ago largely on the principles of sustainable, local organic food production as an alternative to modern industrial agriculture.  

A New Look

By Laura Pfister, Media Coordinator

For 45 years we’ve been loving local and fostering community. Throughout our almost half a century history, our identity and logo has gone through many iterations.

Some of you might remember the logo above from our newsletter in the early 1980s.

As we’ve done multiple times throughout our history, it’s time to refresh our brand and launch a beautiful, new logo to take us into the next decade.

Turkey and Sweet Potato Chili

Turkey and Sweet Potato Chili is one of my favorite Co+op Basics recipes. It is full of flavor, color and shatters the myth that a healthy meal has to cost a fortune and take all day to prepare. This recipe is also a clever way to use sweet potatoes, which are not only tasty but high in fiber and vitamin A.