Thank YOU For a Wonderful Year!


2016 had many notable moments. We hosted many successful family friendly events, added 150 more solar panels to our roof, and earned 25% of our sales for local products. We proudly donated over $24,000 to area nonprofits through our Community Grants program. We welcomed 482 new owners and averaged 3,500 daily transactions.

Whew! And that is just a small sample.

At the end of the day, we owe it all to you, our customers. You are why we are here providing healthy, organic food to the Rogue Valley. Thank you for supporting your local, community grocery store for over 40 years.

In the spirit of gratitude, we recently asked our Facebook family to share what they were thankful for. The resounding responses of love and gratitude blew us away. As we head into the New Year, we thought it most appropriate to end 2016 on a thankful note. Here’s a sampling of some of the uplifting comments we received.

I am thankful for the community of people who labor every day to bring food to our table -- farmers, farm workers, truckers, processors, co-opers, all of us who come together to create the world we want to live in.” Wendy L.

I am super thankful for the little things: the random smiles at "strangers," the smiles at familiar faces in the community, a cute dog being walked, a warm hat, and the delicious co-op deli bar.” Chad D.

Thankful for the combined strength of all the individuals working to provide healthy food and clean water: stronger together!” Sheila D.

I am thankful for my family, hard work and being able to do what we love to make the world a better place.” Angelika K.

I am thankful to live in this lovely Southern Oregon with so many people who value healthy food, clean air, and abundant water. I am thankful for all of you who make sacrifices to insure these precious resources will be there for future generations. Thank you, co-op, for your part in giving us healthy food choices!” Barbara T.

I am thankful and grateful my family and friends. Whether near or far, we are all in this life together and we support each other through tough times and great times.” Alison L.

I'm thankful for a place to call home. Thankful for my family who is supporting while I figure out what I want.” Amanda E.

I'm thankful for Oregon, such a beautiful state full of good people. Love keeping the bounty of our state and valley right here by growing our own and eating locally. Even when the world seems bleak, the community we have here in the Rogue Valley is a shining light in the darkness.” Alison C.

Thank you for a wonderful year! We’ll see you in 2017.


More Co-op News

Jackfruit 101

You might have noticed a rather large, prickly fruit hanging out next to the apples, oranges, and papayas in the Produce Department. Meet the Jackfruit, the newest addition to the Produce Department. In case you don't know "jack" about Jackfruit, here is a crash course.

  • The Jackfruit is native to South and Southeast Asia and is a close cousin of the fig.
  • The Co-op sources the fruit from Patagonia Orchards. Their fruit is grown in the tropical rainforest of Nayarit, Mexico.

Get Your Garden On


This is one of our favorite times of the year. The sun is out and the days are longer, time to play in the dirt. Our Produce Staff share their favorite seeds and starts to help you get your garden going.




Meet the Meat Department

Welcome back to our Behind the Scenes blog series. So far you’ve meet the dynamic Produce and Deli teams. Next up, the department that is packed with protein, meet the Meat Department.

Did you know?

Rachel's Spring Produce Picks

Rachel Rose, Assistant Produce Manager, shares her spring produce picks.

Most people are surprised to know that early spring are two of the best months out of the year for tasty strawberries. The first batch out of California is usually so sweet and full of flavor that the rest of the year I often shy away from strawberries. They just don’t measure up to the fruit coming out early in the year.

5 Edible Plants to Start in Your Garden Now

Spring is most definitely upon us, and we are lucky enough to live in Southern Oregon where the weather during this time is usually (ahem) co-operative enough to let us get some plants in the ground in between the hail storms and rainbows.  There are actually many plants that do quite well in this time of transition, as they prefer the cooler temperatures that we get here this time of year, before the real heat sets in.  Here are a few that we have right now at the Co-op, direct from local, organic farms.  Plant these in your garden now for best results!

UPDATED Organic Raw Macadamia Nuts Recalled Because of Possible Health Risk

UPDATED  3/17/16

Ashland Food Co-Op of Ashland, Oregon issues the updated press release to clarify that we re-packed and sold Organic Raw Macadamia nuts in random weight bags at our retail store in Oregon only between January 5th, 2016 and February 4th, 2016.  We do not have any internet sale or distribute affected product outside Oregon.

Garden of Life Raw Meal Recall

Garden of Life has issued a voluntary recall on all Raw Meal products shipped after August 15, 2015. 

Please see the below link to Garden of Life’s blog for all lot numbers that they are recalling, as well as details of the recall.

Let Thy Food Be Thy Medicine

Rachel Rose, Assistant Produce Manager, shares her winter produce picks.

The cells in our bodies are all made using the building blocks that we provide in the food that we eat, the air that we breathe and the water we drink. If we want healthy bodies, feeding ourselves and our families the cleanest healthiest foods is a real good start. We are what we eat!

Burdock root

Behind the Scenes: The Deli

Welcome back to our Behind the Scenes blog series. We recently took you into the colorful world of Produce. Now we’d like to introduce you to the department that enters beast mode daily: the Deli.

Did you know?

31 Reasons to Visit the Co-op

Happy 2016! It’s a brand new year, new month, new day. No doubt many of you’ve made a variety of resolutions to make this year the best yet. The Co-op can help you succeed. How? Let us tell you. Here are 31 reasons why you should visit the Co-op every day this month to improve your life and your community.

Behind the Scenes: Produce Department

You shop for groceries at the Co-op. For lunch, you often stop at the Deli for a quick meal from the Hot Bar. You meet friends outside on the plaza, give each other long hugs, and catch up on life. After a long week, you swing by for the Friday beer and wine tastings at the Kiosk. But how well do you really know the Co-op?

2015: A Year to Remember

Can it really be that time of year again? 2015 was full of so many things for which to be grateful. Here’s a list of some of the highlights.

We celebrated the 10-thousandth person to become a Co-op owner! Co-op ownership is a way to help create a more humane and democratic way to do business locally. A robust cooperative economy is one way to take a stand against corporate misbehavior.

Smart Chicken® Holiday Giving Challenge

The holiday season is upon us. Amidst the shopping frenzies, family gatherings, and parties it can be hard to remember this is also a season of giving. Luckily, you have us and we are making it easy for you to give back.

During the month of November, Co-op shoppers can nourish their own families and help fight hunger in the Rogue Valley.