Staying Sustainable in A Changing World

By Rianna Koppel, Sustainability Coordinator

In the midst of a health crisis, how can we focus on sustainability? Let’s be real - these are tough times!

What does sustainability look like now? I like to refer to the definition of sustainability - meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. How can we meet the needs of the present, while keeping the future in mind?

Here are some suggestions for staying sustainable in our changing world, based on two of the Co-op’s 2030 goals, Zero Waste and Sustainable Relations.

Staying Zero Waste

Eat Fridge First

The best way to save money and reduce food waste is to shop at your local refrigerator first. An easy practice that I like to use at home is organizing the shelves. Use clear containers to store food - seeing what is in front of you can make a difference. Move that fresh produce to the front to make sure it gets eaten first! Do a weekly fridge clean-up to see what’s hiding in the back. Use a whiteboard to write down meal plans, and keep a running shopping list.

Shopping Strategies

Going to the store for groceries is an essential need - be sure to come prepared. Choose one person to shop for the whole family if you can to reduce exposure. Make a clear list, thinking of what is needed for an entire week or more. You can also order from our Deli online.

Bring sanitizer, gloves, and a mask. Sadly, we can no longer bring reusable mugs, containers, or bags inside, so leave them at home. Be prepared to wait outside if the Co-op has enacted metered entry to ensure safe social distancing.

When leaving the store, sanitize your hands before touching your car door handles. Consider cleaning your steering wheel too.

If you are an at-risk community member, our store hours are reserved for you from 7 am - 8 am every morning.

If you need help with grocery shopping or can help others, check out the City of Ashland’s Adopt A Neighbor program.

Choose Local Products

Now is a wonderful time to support local farmers and producers. Look for local cheeses like feta or fromage blanc from By George. Try out Ton Ton’s hummus on local breads from Rise Up! or the Village Baker. For a tasty and nutritious crunchy snack, Kale Yeah! chips do not disappoint! Ask a Produce clerk about which vegetables are coming in from local farms. Stock up on immune support from Herb Pharm, and make sure to wash those hands with bars of soap from Sappo Hill. You can find local products marked with our green circular “Local” marker.

Don’t forget to order from small stores when possible - before buying a book online from Amazon, call up Bloomsbury books or Powell’s. Choosing small businesses can be a lifesaver for those employees!
What Local Means to the Co-op

Clean Out Your Container Collection

Do you have a shelf hidden in the kitchen where you put all those clean glass jars that you could use for storage? Guilty as charged! Jump into spring cleaning and clear out your containers. Take time to label bulk jars, check expiration dates in the pantry, and recycle what you don’t use.

Recycle It Right

Take a moment to read about what goes in your recycling cart through Recology. Remember that recycling should be clean, dry, and free of food residue. No egg cartons, lids, soft plastic, or items contaminated with food should go into a commingle cart.
For more information, visit Recology.
If you live outside of Ashland or Talent, contact Rogue Disposal.

What can be recycled

Start A Victory Garden

April is the best time to start a garden to grow your own food. Plant starts like kale, lettuce, beets, cilantro, sugar snap peas, carrots, and so much more are ready to go outside! You can find a variety of vegetable starts from local nurseries outside of the Co-op entrance.

Maintaining Sustainable Relationships

Stay Connected

There’s never been a better time to call up friends and family, whether they’re across town or a few states away. A one-on-one conversation can be the perfect remedy to feeling down or overwhelmed. Use online apps to have a video chat, or create a group text with friends. It can be heartwarming to see photos of pets, garden projects, or hear about a book someone is reading. Even sharing frustrations can be affirming - it’s helpful to know other people out there are also having rough days.

Say Hello To Your Neighbors (From A Distance!)

If you’re sheltering at home, most likely your neighbors are too! Welcome those serendipitous moments when checking the mailbox or walking the dog. Say hello and ask how they are doing. Check to see if your area has a Nextdoor neighborhood hub at

Take 10 And Meditate

The most important person to stay connected to is yourself! Give yourself the gift of time, and take ten minutes for a quiet moment. A meditation can be as simple as closing your eyes and focusing on your breathing, or putting attention on your heart.

Focus On Gratitude

Find three things to be grateful for each day. Here’s one - I’m glad that I have toilet paper at my house! Gratitude doesn’t have to be extravagant, just noticed. Be mindful of blooming flowers, laughter, and sunshine. Let yourself enjoy a comedy special, take a nap, or blast some music for a dance break.

More Co-op News

Open letter from AFC Board on Coronavirus Policies

The Ashland Food Co-op has played a critical role supporting our community for nearly 50 years by providing healthy food and a safe place to shop. With the recent COVID-19 shutdown, this support has been even more important and has stretched our organization in ways that we could not have anticipated. We have endeavored to address the needs of both our staff and our customers, hopefully in the most cooperative manner.

Owner Voting on 2020 Co-op Board & more

As an owner of the Ashland Food Co-op, you are an important decision-maker in the leadership of the Co-op! A vital part of your ownership is voting for the Board of Directors.

On the ballot: Vote for Board Candidates and Change for Good Organizations

Vote for Board Candidates
This year, four candidates are nominated for three Board positions: each elected Board director will serve a three-year term. The candidates are Ed Claassen, Mark Gibbs, Carolina Livi and Julie O'Dywer.

A dozen local favorites to explore this summer

The Co-op has always had a focus on supporting the strong local scene of growers and producers - and in these times, it's even more important. Here is just a small selection of some of our favorites from the area.  Help support local businesses next time you stop by the Co-op by picking one of these products.

Unwavering Spirit in a Time of Change

By Emile Amarotico, General Manager

It’s been two months since my last update on our Co-op community, but it could just as well have been two years ago, or from an alternate reality! Needless to say, life at the Co-op has changed, and it hasn’t been easy for employees or shoppers. But despite the challenges, it has been an inspiring and reaffirming time that reminds us why we love the cooperative enterprise.

Democracy and Co-ops

By Annie Hoy, Board Director

This month, AFC Owners will democratically elect a slate of board candidates. These candidates are co-op owners, just like you and me. By holding annual elections, co-ops around the world and close to home are expressing Cooperative Principle 2: Democratic Member Control.

2019 Patronage Dividends are available now

From the Board of Directors:

This year, the Co-op Board of Directors is taking unprecedented action to distribute 100% of the over $628,000 2019 Patronage Dividend to our owners. In this time of great need, there is no holding back. This is not the moment to put away funds for the future, but rather to support our owners fully so that we may all have more strength to weather the storm.

Beans from Scratch

Michelle isn't serving up samples right now, so she's serving up kitchen tips instead! Here's her tried and true approach to cooking dry beans, plus some extra tips for upping your flavor, saving time, and cook other legumes. (Ingredients and modifications are below the video.)


Tips to Stay Safe and Limit Waste

By Mahlea Rasmussen, Education Coordinator
Inspired by Bea Johnson's Zero Waste Home

We are in uncertain times and some of you may be second-guessing some of your zero waste practices and replacing them with safety measures for you and your family. I was proud not to have chemical cleaners in my home and never used plastic gloves - but now those products are being suggested for staying clean and safe. Here are some tips to keep your home safe while working towards more sustainability.

Ashland Food Co-op employees are heroes, worthy of respect and gratitude

Until a crisis like this occurs, few think of Grocers as essential service providers. However, our employees have been here day in and day out, risking their health and the safety of their loved ones, to provide food for our community. This is not a job that can be done from home or from what is now considered a safe social distance. Our employees have worked with the utmost professionalism, care, and concern for shopper well-being.

5 Things You Didn't Know the Co-op Carries for Cold, Flu & Immune Protection

  1. Wishgarden Herbs - Kick Ass Immune: Your total frontline immune defense!
  2. Oshala Farm - Oshala Fire Cider: Locally made in the Applegate. It tastes so good you could craft a healthy dressing with this fire cider!
  3. Mickelberry Gardens - Elderberry: Great Immune support for kids and adults. Made in Oregon.

Choose To Reuse

by Rianna Koppel, Co-op Sustainability Coordinator

At the Ashland Food Co-op, we are committed to becoming Zero Waste by 2030. Along the way, we’ve learned a lot about packaging and single-use at our store. Our owners care deeply about reducing plastic waste, and we do too! 

Reusable Bags 

At the co-op, we have many different bag options… So what's the best choice?