Meet the 2019 Board of Directors

Congratulations to Annie Hoy, Melina Barker, Lisa Beam, and Steve Bowman for their election to the Board of Directors! We were delighted to have such a strong slate of candidates to fill our four vacancies. You can read more about each new director here.

For some time, the Board has been exploring whether to increase the number of director positions from its seven current seats. We want to make it feasible for owners with full time jobs and/or other major time constraints to be able to serve on the board. We ask a lot of our directors in terms of committee assignments, officer roles, training expectations and volunteer events. Many co-ops of our size have 9-member boards to carry the load. Our bylaws provide that we can have as many as nine directors. At its June meeting, the Board voted to add one additional director for a total of eight directors, and to appoint the candidate with the next highest number of votes to fill this position with a one year trial. We are pleased to announce that Charlie Douglass will fill that position.

The Board and the Management Team met for two half-day sessions this spring to update our strategic plan. We continue to work actively on several key initiatives that we adopted five years ago, but also wanted to step back and ask ourselves what else we need to be paying attention to as we prepare for the future. Lots of great ideas were proposed and we are in the process of narrowing them down to the critical few, including our highest priority of addressing our parking and space constraints. A number of owners pointed out that they would like the option to vote separately on each proposed bylaw change rather than vote on them as a whole. We heard your feedback and will adopt that practice for all future bylaw changes.

As always, you can direct any question or comment to the Board at [email protected]. We invite you to attend our next Board meeting on August 14th at 6 p.m in the Pioneer Conference Room.

More Co-op News

Meet the 1st Street Beet

Welcome to the newly redesigned and reimagined newsletter from the Ashland Food Co-op: 1st Street Beet.
Think of this publication as a resource to know what’s going on in every level of the community: at the co-op, around town, in the region, and on Earth!

May Day Community Block Party

Photography by Chelsea Whitney Art

On May 1st, several Southern Oregon businesses came together for a block party to provide a space to gather as a community after a rough spell due to the pandemic and fires. The May Day Block Party was hosted on Main St in Phoenix, where the scent of food trucks mingled with artisan goods such as local cheeses, locally farmed flowers, and even fresh-baked pastries.

A Visit with Rolling Hills

Visit Rolling Hills Farm and learn more about owner Dave Belzberg, who the Ashland Food Co-op is so honored to partner with for more than thirty five years.