Disability Pride Month

Disability Pride Month, first celebrated in 1990, commemorates the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This landmark legislation prohibits discrimination based on disability and ensures equal opportunities in all areas of public life. Disability Pride Month promotes visibility and mainstream awareness of the positive pride felt by people with disabilities. It is a time to honor the contributions of individuals with disabilities and advocate for a more inclusive society where everyone can thrive. It is also a time to advocate for a more inclusive society where everyone can thrive. At the Ashland Food Co-op, we are committed to supporting all members of our community. We believe that diversity and inclusivity make us stronger, and we are dedicated to creating a welcoming environment for everyone.

As we celebrate Disability Pride Month this July, we are honored to share the inspiring story of Luke Hogan Laurenson, a remarkable member of our Ashland community. Luke, who graduated as valedictorian from Ashland High School in 2023, has overcome numerous challenges to achieve this milestone. Born with a disability, Luke's journey is a testament to resilience, hope, and the power of community support.

Despite the physical challenges he faced, Luke excelled academically and socially. His valedictorian speech resonated with many as he spoke about hope, the importance of embracing one's individuality, and the joy of dancing – a passion of his that reflects his positive spirit. Luke also drew inspiration from his favorite artist, Taylor Swift, whose music and messages of empowerment have been a constant source of motivation.

Luke's success is not just a personal victory but also a reflection of the inclusive and supportive environment of Ashland. Our community has rallied around him, offering encouragement and resources to help him thrive. This spirit of inclusivity is something we, at Ashland Food Co-op, deeply value and strive to foster within our own space.

We invite you to join us in celebrating Disability Pride Month by learning more about the stories of individuals like Luke Hogan and supporting initiatives that promote inclusivity and accessibility. Together, we can build a community where everyone feels valued and empowered.

If you would like to follow Luke on his journey you can check out his Youtube channel and his non-profit, Luke's Foundation for Love.

More Co-op News

Black Lives Matter

We acknowledge that the Ashland Food Co-op has not had a culture where all employees and community members felt safe sharing their experiences of discrimination in our store. We apologize for this. We are on a learning journey. We have reached out for help, and are listening to our Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) employees and owners who want to be part of the positive change we seek.

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Vendors & businesses donating to relief efforts

From day one of the Almeda Fires, the Co-op team wanted to help the community. They reached out to vendors across the region and country to ask for their help with products, supplies and food to get to the fire victims.

And that help came through in big ways, getting nutritious food to displaced families, home supplies in high demand, and wellness and food for first responders and firefighters. Thank you for supporting these businesses as thanks for their help in our community's relief efforts.

October news at the Co-op

October is typically Co-op month, to highlight how differently cooperatives do business. But instead of talking about the 7 Cooperative Principles, or the ownership benefits of being part of the Co-op, we only need to look at the past four weeks to see what being a cooperative really means.

As part of the co-op family, you've helped the entire community immensely. 

Support Co-op staff to rebuild

The Ashland Food Co-op is dedicated to helping our community and our staff rebuild after the Almeda Fires in early September. 

For immediate support, the Co-op gave $1,000 to staff who lost their homes in the fires, as well as $250 for food and other household needs for anyone displaced due to a level 3 evacuation order.

Change for Good in September: Southern Oregon Land Conservancy

For the month of September, Ashland Food Co-op shoppers can round up at the register to support Southern Oregon Land Conservancy. Since 1973, SOLC has been working on multiple fronts to improve land quality and conservation for humans and nature alike. Check out some of the projects below that SOLC has been working on recently. And mark your calendar for Saturday, October 24, as SOLC hosts an Open Lands Day hike and tour on the Rogue River Preserve.

Chatting about community giving with JPR's "Jefferson Exchange"

Recently, Julie O'Dwyer, Ashland Food Co-op board vice-president, joined a panel of guests on Jefferson Public Radio's "Jefferson Exchange" to discuss how the pandemic has led to an even greater need for community giving and support of local non-profits.

JPR logo

Get to know Ashland Emergency Food Bank

The sixth cooperative principle, "Concern for Community," has become even more important since the pandemic began and economies, locally and globally, started to constrict. To address this, the Board of Directors agreed in April to release 100% of patronage dividends and designate Ashland Emergency Food Bank as a donation option for those dividends - resulting in over $20,000 in donations. And with the early launch of Change for Good register round-up, AEFB was a natural choice to receive round-up donations. 

2020 Co-op Election Results

2020 Co-op Election Results

Ashland Food Co-op owners voted for three open seats on the Board of Directors, and for ten non-profit organizations for the Change for Good register round-up program.

Click a name below to read more about that Co-op Board member.

Co-op Owners Step-Up to Support the Ashland Emergency Food Bank!

AFC and AEFB Press Release - Local Strength!

Release Date: 5-26-2020

In April, the Ashland Food Co-op Board of Directors announced to the community that the Co-op would be returning 100% of the 2019 Patronage Dividend to its owners. The 100% Patronage Dividend return to Co-op owners converted to over $628,000.

The Co-op Board felt in this time of great need it was not the right time for the Co-op to put away funds for the future, but rather to support owners fully so they may have more strength to weather these stormy times.