Coronavirus Preparedness at the Co-op
Update as of March 15th, 2022: Oregon Health Authority no longer requires face coverings to be worn in all public indoor settings.
Update as of August 13th, 2021: Oregon Health Authority requires face coverings to be worn in all public indoor settings in response to a large jump in COVID-19 hospitalizations due to the Delta variant of the virus. We require face coverings to be worn by all shoppers, employees, vendors, contractors, and other visitors. Designated Priority Shopping hour resumes for vulnerable community members from 7:00 am to 8:00 am daily. Our eGrocery curbside pick-up program resumes on our website on Friday for pick-up on Monday, August 16th with a $10 service charge. Due to labor shortages, please reserve this program for high-risk shoppers.
Update as of July 28th, 2021: Oregon Health Authority recommends universal public mask use for all public indoor settings. In response to a large jump in cases due to the Delta variant. This recommendation includes fully vaccinated people.
Update as of June 30th, 2021: Face coverings and social distancing are no longer required for Co-op shoppers. Employees will continue to adhere to OSHA standards that require face coverings and social distancing. Thank you for your support and patience throughout!
The Ashland Food Co-op acknowledges and shares our community’s concerns about protecting against the spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus). The safety and health of staff and customers is a top priority for the Co-op. We are taking proactive steps throughout our store to maintain a clean atmosphere to work and shop.
We have consolidated store changes below.
OHA's mask guidance:
• “Face covering” means a cloth, polypropylene, paper or other face covering that covers the nose and the mouth and that rests snugly above the nose, below the mouth, and on the sides of the face.
• The following are not face coverings because they allow droplets to be released: a covering that incorporates a valve that is designed to facilitate easy exhalation, mesh masks, lace masks or other coverings with openings, holes, visible gaps in the design or material, or vents.
Hours of operation:
- 7-8am: priority shopping for vulnerable community members.
- Store hours remain 7am-9pm.
- The AFC Kitchen and hot bar closes at 8pm. You can now order ahead from the kitchen online.
Before entering the store:
- All staff and shoppers in the store must wear a mask or face covering. Free temporary masks are available at the Customer Service Desk.
- Reusable grocery bags are allowed if you bag your own groceries.
- Sanitizing wipes are available at all cart stations.
- Please do not hang out or otherwise loiter in the Co-op courtyard or store.
In the store:
- Aisles are one way -
Please follow the "one way" stickers on the store floor to help maintain distance in aisles. - A no-touch hand sanitizer dispenser is located at the Information Desk and to the right of the exit doors.
- As of April 20th, 2021 reusable bulk and produce bags are acceptable.
- The $.02 charge on plastic produce bags will resume- effective April 22nd, 2021.
- Bulk nut butters are being individually packaged and stored in the bulk cooler.
- Please help protect cashiers and yourself by bagging your own groceries, if you are able.
- Plexiglass barriers have been installed to help protect cashiers and shoppers where social distancing isn't possible.
- You'll find social distancing reminder stickers at checkout stands and throughout the store. Thanks for helping to share your space.
Co-op Kitchen:
- No outside mugs or containers are permitted.
- Indoor seating is currently closed.
- The hot bar, salad bar and soup bar are no longer self-service; Co-op employees will help to box your meal to-go.
- Self-serve coffee is no longer available.
- The Co-op has increased the number of items available as “Grab & Go” selections.
Special orders & returns:
Special orders are being accepted. Product returns are permitted as of April 20th, 2021.
Classes, events and sales:
- Free Monday Night Lectures are being held online most weeks. Check the Events page for more coming up.
Links to information providing illness prevention steps and facts about COVID-19 can be found below.
World Health Organization (WHO)
United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Oregon Health Authority (OHA)
Jackson County Public Health Advisory
Cloth masks for staff
Led by board member Julie O'Dwyer, a group of Co-op friends worked hard over several days to make two cloth masks for each employee, in accordance with new recommendations from the CDC and OHA.
Thanks to these selfless, thoughtful community members for their contributions to everyone's safety:
Joe Dunbar - 200 masks at a discounted price; Erin McConnell - 45 masks and counting; Erica Thompson - 30 masks; board member Trine Ostergaard - 30 masks; Jenni Presley - 7 masks; Christine Begley - 30 masks.
More Co-op News

February Change for Good: BASE Southern Oregon
This February, Ashland Food Co-op is proud to support BASE Southern Oregon as our Change for Good partner! BASE (Black Alliance & Social Empowerment) is a nonprofit dedicated to uplifting and empowering Black residents in Southern Oregon through events, resources, and advocacy.
Your donations at the register all month long will help BASE continue their impactful work, and there are plenty of ways to get involved! Here’s what’s coming up:

January’s Change for Good Partner – Community Works
At Ashland Food Co-op, we’re thrilled to kick off the new year by supporting Community Works, our January Change for Good partner. This incredible organization is dedicated to empowering individuals affected by domestic and sexual violence through crisis support, safe housing, and community outreach. Community Works provides services that are free, confidential, and open to all genders, ensuring that no one faces these challenges alone.
Here’s how Community Works is making a difference and how you can get involved:

Ashland Food Co-op's December Change for Good Partner: Rogue Action Center
This December, Ashland Food Co-op is proud to partner with Rogue Action Center (RAC) as part of their Change for Good initiative. RAC is dedicated to cultivating organizing power and leadership to create a more just and thriving Southern Oregon. Their mission focuses on building community power for Housing Justice, Racial Justice, and Queer & Trans Liberation. They achieve this through a combination of base building, youth-centered leadership development, coalition building, and advocacy campaigns aimed at transforming societal rules.

Our November Change for Good Partner: SOESD Indian Education Fund
Each month, the Ashland Food Co-op partners with a local nonprofit through our Change for Good program. This November, we are proud to feature the important work of the Southern Oregon Indian Education Department (SOESD) Indian Education Fund.
The Change for Good program allows our shoppers to round up their total at the register, with the extra change going to support a different local nonprofit each month. The funds collected make a meaningful difference for these organizations and the communities they serve.

Save on Field Day Items and Support Native Foodways
This November, get ready for gatherings with friends and family with big savings on all Field Day products at your co-op. Save on more than 270 Field Day items — from maple syrup to wild-caught tuna to paper towels — from Oct. 30 through Dec. 3. Field Day is our value brand that offers high-quality, delicious food and household products at more affordable prices every day through Co+op Basics, making this savings event even more spectacular. Our lowest prices will be even lower!

Indigenous Peoples’ Day: Honoring Native Heritage
Indigenous Peoples' Day is a holiday that celebrates and honors Native American peoples and commemorates their histories and cultures. It's observed on the second Monday in October, coinciding with the federal holiday of Columbus Day in the United States.

Celebrating Hispanic and Latinx Heritage
September 15th marks the beginning of Hispanic Heritage Month, a time to recognize and celebrate the contributions, diverse cultures, and rich histories of Americans with ancestry from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America.

September Change for Good Partner: Friends of Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument
At Ashland Food Co-op, our commitment to community and sustainability is at the heart of everything we do. This September, we’re proud to shine a spotlight on our Change for Good partner, Friends of Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument (Friends of CSNM). This dedicated organization works tirelessly to protect, restore, and conserve the natural beauty of the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument through service, advocacy, and education.
Stewardship in Action: Restoring Riparian Areas

August Change for Good Partner: Rogue River Watershed Council
At Ashland Food Co-op, we are dedicated to fostering a vibrant and sustainable community. Each month, our Change for Good program partners with a local organization to support their mission and amplify their impact. For August, we are thrilled to announce our partnership with the Rogue River Watershed Council (RRWC).
Who is the Rogue River Watershed Council?

Disability Pride Month
Disability Pride Month, first celebrated in 1990, commemorates the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This landmark legislation prohibits discrimination based on disability and ensures equal opportunities in all areas of public life. Disability Pride Month promotes visibility and mainstream awareness of the positive pride felt by people with disabilities.

July Change for Good Partner: Peace House
Meet our July Change for Good partner - Peace House! This incredible organization has been a cornerstone of our community, dedicated to building a culture of peace through compassionate actions that support human rights and justice for all.
About Peace House
Peace House has a broad and impactful mission. Their work spans several critical areas, including:

Supporting Stream Smart: Our June Change for Good Partner
We are delighted to announce our June Change for Good partner, Stream Smart, a remarkable local organization dedicated to improving the health of our streams and rivers.
What is Stream Smart?

2024 Owner Coupon Schedule
Here's the schedule for the 2024 Owner Coupons. Not an Owner? Find out all about the benefits of Ownership!

Co-op, Community and Coffee
We are thrilled to announce that the Ashland Food Co-op has purchased the Rogue Valley Roasting Company (RoCo) from longtime owner, Dustin Way.

May Change for Good: Our Family Farms
This month, the Ashland Food Co-op is proud to annouce our Change for Good partner, Our Family Farms, an organization dedicated to safeguarding our agricultural heritage and promoting regenerative organic practices.