Wellness Secret Weapons

There are still plenty of colds and viruses making their rounds, and we want to help you better defend against them!

In January, we asked on social media what kind of secret weapons you use in the winter to stay healthy. We had a lot of responses, so we'll start with the All-Stars.

With your initial recommendations, our Wellness team reviewed the suggestions and picked the products with the highest quality standards and best feedback. Check those out below.


Wellness formula and Chinese herbs

Natura Vitamin D-A-K; Source Naturals Wellness Formula; Gan Mao Ling, Yin Chiao, and Cold Snap Chinese herbs


Herbal baths and sprays

Oba's Herbal bath; Oshala Fire Cider, or Ashland Food Co-op Deli Fire Cider; Mickelberry Gardens honey and apple cider vinegar throat spray; HerbPharm Immune Season spray; Uncle Harry's Quick Relief Cold Stopper essential oil blend; HerbPharm Sinus Samurai drops for kids


Teas, oregano oil, and essential oils

Yogi Echinacea Immune Support tea; Pranarom Oregano oil capsules; Gaia Quick Defense Echinacea formula; Pranarom Immunity Boost essential oil blend


Probiotics, pastilles and Mycoshield

Country Life Probiotic Daily Powder; Pranarom Soothing Throat pastilles (honey and essential oils); HostDefense MycoShield Immune Support spray


A selection of these supplements may help you out this cold season. But there are lots of other recommendations from other AFC shoppers - some common sense, some very unique - which are listed below (and many can be found at the Co-op):

Washing hands / hand sanitizer Elderberry syrup
Plenty of sleep and rest
Lots of water (infused with salt, honey, lemon, or cinammon)
Vitamin C
Eating well! (especially raw fruits and veggies)
Honey (including Manuka honey)

Avoid face contact
Ginger Apple Cider Vinegar
Probiotics Bone broth
Colloidal silver
Avoid sugar

Green juice


Beneficial soil bacteria

Rose hips


e3 live shots (in the Deli)

Wipe surfaces down
Golden milk
"Plague Juice"
Cranberry juice
Goldenseal  Usnea (local lichen)
Soup Dark chocolate
Flu shot
Yarrow environmental solution



More Co-op News

Staff Picks: Favorite Local Products

September is Love Local Month!  All month long we’re celebrating our local farmers and vendors with demos, events and more. Here are some of our staff's favorite local products.


How Can I Reduce My Plastic Use at the Co-op?

By Rianna Koppel, Sustainability Coordinator

Plastic pollution today is a global dilemma. Did you know that more than 40% of plastic is used once, then tossed? In 2015, 79% of total plastic waste ended up in landfills or the environment. How can our co-op help reduce the amount of single-use plastics? Luckily, we offer a variety of options for owners.

Stainless Steel Straws

Meet Pachamama Coffee Cooperative

By Lauren Taber, Pachamama Coffee Cooperative

Pachamama Coffee Cooperative started in 2001 with a few simple questions in mind: what would it look like to take Fair Trade a step further? How can coffee farmers be in direct relationship with end consumers in the United States?

We found that the answer was even simpler: cooperative ownership. Pachamama Coffee has been 100% farmer-owned since day one, and is currently owned by 140,000 small scale family farmers across the coffee producing regions of the world.

Community Cider Backyard Fruit Drive

How often can you browse the shelf at your neighborhood grocery store, see a bottle of hand crafted, local cider and say, “Hey, I help make that!” Well, at the Co-op you can.

2018 Board Election Results

The AFC Board of Directors is pleased to announce the results of the 2018 Board Election. There were three excellent candidates running for two Board positions. In total, 905 votes were cast.

Congratulations to the following candidates who will serve three-year terms on the Ashland Food Co-op Board of Directors.

Thank you for voting!



Meet Store Manager Barry Haynes

By Barry Haynes, Store Manager

Twenty three years ago my wife and I began our quest to relocate our family from the midwest to the west coast. We were looking for a beautiful area with an  engaged community that would enable our children to thrive. Equally important, we wanted our new home to have a vibrant natural food store. When we arrived in southern Oregon, we felt as though we hit the jackpot.

Beat the Heat

When the heat of summer takes over, it can be hard on our bodies and moods. Don’t let the scorching temps get you down, cool off with one of these refreshing Staff recommendations.

Report from the Board of Directors: Strategic Plan Update

By Jeff Golden, External Relations Committee Chair

Ashland Food Co-op is striding into the future with careful intention. We’re especially focused on the three top priorities of our strategic planning process, a collaboration of our board and management team. A quick update:

Riding off into the Sunset


By Annie Hoy, Retiring Marketing Manager

Since I was born and raised in far West Texas, I cannot help but use some imagery from what is so familiar to me.

Staff Picks: Summer Hikes and Trail Snacks

Our staff loves to head outside and enjoy the gorgeous Oregon outdoors. Here's a few of their favorite trails and the Co-op snacks they like to take with them.



Be a Zero Waste Hero in Four Easy Steps

By Stephanie Koerella, Education Coordinator

Reducing our waste has continued to be of greater concern for Rogue Valley residents, especially since January, when options for recycling became even more limited. While the Ashland Food Co-op is ramping up our efforts to reduce waste as a business, there is a lot that our community can do at home to help the cause.