The Role of the Board in Co-op Governance

By Gwyneth Bowman, Vice President

After serving on the AFC Board for fourteen years my passion for the Co-op model has strengthened my commitment to the Cooperative Principles and Values. Of special importance is how we work together as a governing body with one voice. We are the ultimate decision-makers of our Co-op and hold a trusteeship for the benefit of our owners and community.

I’m often asked what the difference is between the Board’s role and responsibilities and those of the General Manager. My answer is a bit complicated because we work so closely with the GM for the benefit of our Co-op. The Board holds the GM accountable for managing day to day operations. All corporate powers are under the authority of the Board and all AFC business affairs are managed under the direction of the Board.  

Specific Board responsibilities include developing annual objectives, long range goals and strategic priorities. We monitor all financial management and approve our operating budget and capital expenditures. We hire and annually evaluate our GM, define his duties and set his compensation. A large percentage of our time is monitoring the work of our Board Standing Committees. All Directors chair and serve on standing and other committees.

We encourage owner engagement at all levels and will soon hold owner forums to hear your Co-op experience and glean the wisdom of your ideas. We need your active participation on our team. You own our Co-op!  Your support, feedback and involvement in governance is vital to our ongoing success.

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July's Change for Good Partner - Maslow Project

Ashland Food Co-op is thrilled to partner with Maslow Project for our Change for Good program! Maslow Project is an incredible organization that works tirelessly to support homeless youth and families in Southern Oregon. Their mission is to empower individuals and families to achieve self-sufficiency, and they do this through a range of services including housing assistance, medical care, and educational support.

Bicycle Benefits

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May 2023 Change for Good Partner: Talent Maker City

Talent Maker City's mission is to build a more connected, prosperous, and resilient community through hands-on creativity and innovative STEAM-based learning. (STEAM = Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, & Math.) They have a bustling Makerspace facility, brimming with creative energy in downtown Talent offering hands-on STEAM-based workshops and programming for curious minds of all ages!

Celebrating Cinco de Mayo

We're always learning and growing here at the Co-op and with the approach of Cinco de Mayo we thought we would share a (very) brief history lesson and some thoughts on celebrating this holiday here in the United States.

February's Change for Good partner: OHRA


OHRA logo

OHRA helps low-income people build better lives through access to social service resources. By helping
people move from crisis to stability, OHRA builds more capable individuals, stronger families, and a
better community. We have three core programs:

December Change for Good Partner: Rogue Action Center

December's Change for Good Partner is

Rogue Action Center

Rogue Action Center

The Rogue Action Center (RAC) builds organizing infrastructure, leaders, and community power for a just, inclusive, and sustainable Southern Oregon for everyone.

September Change for Good Partner: Truth to Power

September's Change for Good Partner is

Truth to Power

Truth to Power

Truth to Power cultivates teen activism and community participation through social justice podcasts and transformative projects.