April Change for Good: Ashland Climate Collaborative

We're thrilled to have the Ashland Climate Collaborative (ACC) as our Change for Good Partner for April. ACC brings Ashlanders together to reduce our impact on the climate and adapt safely and responsibly to our changing climate. 

ACC project Teams focus on local strategies that can have the biggest impact! 

  • ACC’s Electrify Ashland Now Team helps residents slash their home energy footprint by switching to cleaner energy sources. It takes planning, but many Ashlanders are doing it! Learn how at ACC’s Meet Up session, April 22 at 6pm at the Co-op Community Classroom. 
  • ACC’s Streets for Everyone Team promotes safer intersections, protected and connected bike lanes, and extensions to Ashland’s central bike path, so more of us feel safe getting around town by biking, walking, and rolling. 
  • ACC’s Compost Action Team is developing a community-wide composting program so everyone can compost easily and affordably. 
  • ACC’s Water Team provides tips on water conservation and updates on our water supply to help us cope with drought.
  • ACC’s Neighborhood Climate Action Networks bring neighbors together to share ideas and innovations, and support each other to respond to climate change.


ACC always welcomes new volunteers!  And, each time you shop at the Ashland Food Co-op in April, you have the opportunity to support the work of ACC by rounding up at the cash register. It may seem like small change, but it adds up to a big difference!


More Co-op News

Empowering Our Community: AFC's Community Grants Now Accepting Applications

As part of our ongoing commitment to supporting the local community, AFC is thrilled to announce the that we are accepting applications for our Community Grants program

Ashland Food Co-op's Community Grants program is designed to foster meaningful change in the Southern Oregon region. Through these grants, we seek to support projects that align with our mission of promoting local and sustainable food systems, addressing food insecurity, and promoting community engagement.

July's Change for Good Partner - Maslow Project

Ashland Food Co-op is thrilled to partner with Maslow Project for our Change for Good program! Maslow Project is an incredible organization that works tirelessly to support homeless youth and families in Southern Oregon. Their mission is to empower individuals and families to achieve self-sufficiency, and they do this through a range of services including housing assistance, medical care, and educational support.

Bicycle Benefits

Here at the Co-op we are on a mission to promote healthy lifestyles and sustainable practices within our community.

May 2023 Change for Good Partner: Talent Maker City

Talent Maker City's mission is to build a more connected, prosperous, and resilient community through hands-on creativity and innovative STEAM-based learning. (STEAM = Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, & Math.) They have a bustling Makerspace facility, brimming with creative energy in downtown Talent offering hands-on STEAM-based workshops and programming for curious minds of all ages!

Celebrating Cinco de Mayo

We're always learning and growing here at the Co-op and with the approach of Cinco de Mayo we thought we would share a (very) brief history lesson and some thoughts on celebrating this holiday here in the United States.

February's Change for Good partner: OHRA


OHRA logo

OHRA helps low-income people build better lives through access to social service resources. By helping
people move from crisis to stability, OHRA builds more capable individuals, stronger families, and a
better community. We have three core programs:

December Change for Good Partner: Rogue Action Center

December's Change for Good Partner is

Rogue Action Center

Rogue Action Center

The Rogue Action Center (RAC) builds organizing infrastructure, leaders, and community power for a just, inclusive, and sustainable Southern Oregon for everyone.