Joanna Wnorowski Pecoraro

Joanna Wnorowski Pecoraro


Candidate Statement:

Being the first one in my family born in the USA, I was raised multilingual/multicultural. I love finding ways to build bridges amongst all types of people. At nineteen years old, looking for a backwoods experience, I explored Oregon falling in love with the beauty & the people. I have been in Jackson county for over four decades. Our children grew up in Ashland so I was involved in all types of activities for over three decades. I have a deep commitment to the people of our region. I began shopping at the Ashland Food Co-op in 1980 when there was a wood stove to hang out around. Prior to that I was instrumental in forming a food buying club in Silverton, Oregon in 1977. The value of having organic food available for the community is a priority for me. I have a five decades history of the study of nutrition, food preservation, gardening and a family connection to organic farmers. I love sharing with others about these topics. My strengths are in communication and education. I love interacting with people. I have been on nonprofit boards, involved with grassroots groups, the creation of our skate park and as multiple officers including president of the Ashland Bellview Grange. Service is key in my life.