Some of the most common questions about Holiday Catering orders are below - but if you don't see your question answered, don't hesitate to reach us directly.

Where do I go for pick-up? What do I do about parking?
Several temporary parking spaces will be available at 222 A St. (next to Gathering Glass Studio) dedicated to pick-up - look for the turkey costume to know you've arrived! You can stay in your car and a Co-op employee will take your order number and then deliver your order.

What if I miss my pick-up window?
If you arrive before 5pm, queue up like normal on 222 A St. for pick-up (look for the turkey!). Please understand there may be a slight delay as Co-op staff accommodates the pick up time shift.
If you arrive after 5pm, please go to the Information Desk inside the store, where a Co-op employee will be able to deliver your order.
Can I make any substitutions? Or add just a few specific items?
Due to order volume, the Co-op cannot accommodate any substitutions for holiday catering. However, many of the same dishes are available a la carte in store, so you can grab extras as needed.