Community Grants Program Application Form

Before you begin, it is recommended that you draft your responses to the questions on the application in a separate Word or Google document. When you have finished writing your responses in a separate document, simply copy and paste your answers into the appropriate fields. Do your best to answer the questions as they relate to your project! It is fine to keep your answers brief but comprehensive.

(You are able to save a draft of the application on the website by clicking the 'safe draft' button at the bottom of this form, but those drafts will be purged after 15 days so we still recommend you keep a copy of your answers on your personal computer.)

Applications are due by 9pm PST, August 15, 2024.

What is the name of your organization?*


Are you a 501 c3 tax exempt non-profit organization?*

501 c3 status

IRS employer identification number*

EIN, please omit dash and enter 9 digits only. Applicants are required to be a 501c3 organization, or have a 501c3 as your fiscal sponsor

AFC owner number*

Numeric characters only (no letters or symbols) -- Owner number can be from applicant, or from a staff/board member of your organization

Grant category*

grant category
Grants in this category fund organizations or projects that strengthen our community by helping those with the greatest unmet needs.
Grants in this category fund organizations or projects that teach us about the benefits of healthy food and nutrition.
Grants in this category fund organizations or hands-on projects that improve or restore our natural environment.
Grants in this category fund organizations or projects that teach us about our natural world and how we can sustain it and human activities for generations to come.

What is the name of your project?*


What is the amount of your grant request for the above project?*

Please note: Grant requests cannot exceed $2000. Grant awards may include AFC Gift cards


Name of contact person*


Phone number of contact person*

Phone number of contact person


Email address of contact person*


Organization's phone number*


Organization's website*


Have you received a previous grant from AFC? List last 5 years and grant amounts received*


History, mission, and background of your organization*

Max 200 words


Describe your project, the problem it addresses and how*

Max 500 words

How is your project uniquely suited to address the need it intends to serve?*

Max 200 words

Who and how many will benefit from your project?*

Max 100 words

Describe how your project addresses equity, diversity and inclusion*

Max 100 words

What is the specific project location where the AFC grant will be used?*


Are there any collaborative partners for this project? If yes, please list them. (other orgs that might be working on this project or that you might be partnering with)


What is your project strategy (sequence of activities) and timeline?* See below table as an example

Project "Roots Raised Garden" Work/activity Projected Deadline
Buy Materials Order wood for the raised beds + schedule delivery 1/2/2024
Buy Plants Get list of plants to be planted + seeds for the spring 2/2/2024
Plant meeting Call for meeting and volunteers to help build the raised beds 2/15/2024
Inauguration of "Roots Raised Garden" Invitation to be sent out to plot owners + hand over of plant starts etc. + signs installed 3/1/2024
M&E Monitor the garden over summer and evaluate the project's overall success Duration of project
Final report Submit final report to AFC 5/1/2024


Optionally, upload a document for this field by clicking the button below
One file only.
20 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, png, bmp, eps, tif, pict, psd, txt, rtf, html, odf, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, xml, avi, mov, mp3, ogg, wav, bz2, dmg, gz, jar, rar, sit, svg, tar, zip.

What is your total organizational budget?


Briefly itemize the expenses of the project for which you are seeking funding and list the expenses that an AFC Community Grant would cover. See example below. (this could be an attached file) Please use the budget categories below, you are welcome to provide more detail if you wish.

Project expense category Project expense AFC Grant request
Food $300 $300
Equipment/Supplies $200 $100
Staff cost $1000 $0
Total $1500 $400


Optionally, upload a document for this field by clicking the button below
One file only.
20 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, png, bmp, eps, tif, pict, psd, txt, rtf, html, odf, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, xml, avi, mov, mp3, ogg, wav, bz2, dmg, gz, jar, rar, sit, svg, tar, zip.

Do you have other secured or pending funds for this project? If so, please list the amount and sources, and whether it is secured or pending

Is there anything else you would like to share with the AFC Gives committee?

Thanks for filling out the AFC Gives grant application. Double check that you've filled out any required fields (those with a red asterisk). After clicking submit, please wait for a confirmation message on your screen. You will also receive an email copy of the application in your inbox to the email you listed in your application.

Any questions, comments, or issues can be directed to [email protected] and a staff member on the committee will get back to you as soon as possible.